--When traveling through time, DO NOT touch anything or talk to anyone, especially your future or past self. Doing so will destroy life as we know it and you will spend the two hours fixing it.

---Don't worry about bombs. Any bomb can be diffused by cutting the correctly colored wire, and you will always be able to guess which one.
---Don't pay a cab driver, unless you fling the cash at him without counting it beforehand--you always have just the right amount.
---If you are driving, don't pay attention to the road. Just concentrate the conversation you are having with the other passengers.
---Remember to save your best secrets for your dying words.
---Never trust anyone who has a big scar on their face.
---Don't worry about children--they never die. But they may be much smarter than you or evil.
---Don't tell anyone if you are dying from an incurable disease. Let them find out after you have already been admitted to the hospital. They will have no clue you were even sick because your disease will not have any symptoms, except maybe extreme paleness.
---Don't try to retire from your life of fighting crime. Something will happen on your last day (probably during your goodbye party) to prevent it.
Good luck! And remember, sequels are nice, but trilogies are best.