Friday, March 7, 2008

Year of the Rat

Did you know that this year is the Year of the Rat?

I recently got a job at school as a Tutor. I will be working with the freshman level media course. Since it is a class of about 400 students, the Tutors run discussion sessions and help with grading. I haven't had any sessions yet, but this week it all starts.

Also, I have been doing a lot of work on my thesis. I recently met with my adviser so I have a pretty good idea of all the work I have before me. Yikes!

And, at church I have been helping with the kids, as usual, helping with sound/AV occasionally, and soon I will be a part of a small group!

The Year of the Rat is already quite full.

Instead of music, lately I have been listening to This American Life---check it out here: