Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New Friends, New Challenges, New Shoes

New Friends
---The last few weeks I have begun to make friends with some of the people in my building, mostly with two German guys named Greg and Boris. They're pretty funny, and I like talking to them. Greg has visited California once and really liked it, so we bonded over that.
---I have been co-leading a small group at church for 18-25 year olds, so I've been meeting a lot of my peers from church. The group is fun so far, and new so we've been trying to keep it casual. I've been leading worship at our meetings, just playing a couple of songs on guitar, which is fun too.
---Last week at church an American guy named Michael was visiting. He's been backpacking across NZ for the last three months, and is planning on returning to the US to travel around in a van, play his guitar, tell people about Jesus, and see what happens. Based on these facts, I decided we would be friends. I also told him that if he makes it to California or Illinois, I know people who can hook him up with a free meal. If he comes your way, help him out!

New Challenges
---It is visa renewal time again, and once again I find myself running around, trying to get things done, and worrying about getting deported (just kidding about that last one). Something always goes wrong, but for now, thankfully, the worst has passed and I should have a new visa in about month.
---My job as a tutor is going really well. I have gotten a little bit of positive feedback from my students, but mostly just I really enjoy it. It's hard to invent new ways to discuss things each week, but so far I feel like I am doing a pretty good job.
---Recently, I find myself in a bit of a spiritual slump. I've been having to learn how to remain faithful even when I don't feel like it, and trust that God is around even when he seems a bit silent. It is a good lesson to learn, even if it is really hard. I have found encouragement from reading the Bible, and from many of you--thanks for praying and supporting!

New Shoes
---I really need a pair. My red converse--my trademark, my lucky shoes--sadly, are falling apart in every possible way.

Sorry there has been a lack of pictures on this blog lately. Unfortunately, my Internet connection is temperamental which makes posting photos a drag.

Oh, and happy April Fool's to you! I have to confess now that I sent some of you a news article I made up about Sufjan Stevens' new album. I hope it made you laugh. If you did not receive it and want to read it, just let me know and I'll email a copy to you. I have to confess, I was pretty proud of the fake song names I came up with.

Later days!

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