I met up with my friend Steve and his buddy Dave. Sydney was the last stop on their tour of Australia, so I was really glad that it coincided with the end of my semester.

We took a lot of pictures of the Opera House...

...and the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

We happened to be in Sydney over Thanksgiving so we had a little feast for ourselves:

Yum! In the absence of turkey, chicken and steak are a perfectly acceptable substitute.

We went to the aquarium where they have this awesome tunnel through the shark tank!
Sydney skyline!

It was a great trip! We walked and saw a lot of the city and ate a lot of food. We did manage to get some surfing in which was good, and we saw the movie Australia! How could you pass that up?

It was a great trip! We walked and saw a lot of the city and ate a lot of food. We did manage to get some surfing in which was good, and we saw the movie Australia! How could you pass that up?
In other news, the completion of my thesis also means the end of the Year Without Music. If you remember, I decided not to buy any cds or music until I was done as a way to practice good stewardship and self-control. So to celebrate the end of this phase, I went and bought a new cd: Paul Kelly's Greatest Hits. I was after a few favorites by him such as "From St. Kilda to Kings Cross", "Everything's Turning to White" and "From Little Things Big Things Grow".
Now this doesn't mean I am going on a cd buying binge. On the contrary, I feel that itch less than I used to, but it's nice to allow myself the treat occasionally.