Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Kiwi Way

Want to learn some Kiwi words?

biscuit = cookie (A "chocky bicky" is most likely a chocolate chip cookie.)
CV = resume, as in what you would turn in with a job application
flat = apartment
paper = a course in school, as in "I am taking 4 papers this semester."
napkin = tissue

Did you know that in NZ cars drive on the left side of the road? I am in constant fear of stepping in front of a bus.

Did you know that in NZ their money is in dollars, just like the U.S? That has been an easy transition for me.

Did you know that NZ, like many other countries in the world, gets a lot of American TV, music, movies, and culture imported? I watched American Idol on tv today actually, although I know the episode aired a few weeks ago at home.

Did you know that the big sport in NZ is rugby? It's pretty awesome--I want to try and play some time.

Those are a few of the things I have been learning. The biggest adjustment I think is attending such a large secular school. I have been at a small Christian college for quite a while now, and obviously there are some differences. There is a club on campus dedicated to drinking alcohol. The health center gives free STD testing. The number of int'l students here is greater than all the Biola students put together.
I am really excited about this chance to learn and have new experiences. I am also excited for this challenge to live and share my faith. I am already seeing how I stand out for being a Christian, and that is both a little scary, but also humbling. I take it very seriously.

Well, that's all for now. Keep checking back for more stories and fun stuff!


Unknown said...

Hi Jude! I can't believe you're actually there, it's kinda surreal but your blog is great, I feel like I'm experiencing it along with you. Of course I had to find your blog on my own, Mike didn't tell me about it - he blows. Looking forward to more posts. I'm busily measuring my children's feet so get on the lookout for those sheepskin shoes. =) I'm so proud of you. carol

Unknown said...

Tinnie = Can. It is not so easy to understand the Kiwi-Slang at first..