sweet as! = "cool!" or, "sweet!"
chilly bin = a cooler, or an ice chest
motorway" = any highway, or freeway-type of road
heeps = a lot of, or a bunch of (as in, "There are always heeps of cars on the motorway during traffic.")
Baseball season is back! Go Sox!

I can't believe Easter is here already! The coming holiday has made me a little homesick. Good Friday at my church at home was always a big deal. Pastor Mike's concept of "The Darkest Night of the Year" was one of our church's most unique traditions. In college, I remember one disastrous Easter with Kimi at a church held in a movie theater where one of the songs for worship was by Matchbox 20. I'm not sure what this Easter will bring, but I will be sure to let you all know...
In other news, lately I am into learning new songs on my guitar (KT Tunstall, Teitur, Corinne Bailey Rae), writing a short story I just started working on (although it's turning into a novel), and listening to worship music (usually I just listen to my devil rock music). Oh yeah, and sometimes I manage to squeeze in some homework.
Had a conversation today with flatmates about the so-called differences between "Catholic" and "Christian." I am constantly being reminded of how little I know, or remember, about the Bible or church history or the world in general (if only I had gone on one less GYRAD and spent more time studying at Biola!). I keep praying that Jesus will show in my life, despite my own shortcomings and inadequacies. It is also very challenging being the token Christian--defending and explaining myself all the time. It's both wonderful and tiring. Today I was really encouraged by the song, "How Firm a Foundation"--there are some amazing lyrics in this song! I have included a few of my favorites here, but you can read the full lyrics here at: http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/How_Firm_a_Foundation/
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent word!
What more can He say than to you He hath said—
To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?
“The soul that on Jesus doth lean for repose,
I will not, I will not, desert to his foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.”

This past weekend, I was traveling so stay tuned for more pictures and stories.
Thanks for reading, and keeping me in your thoughts and prayers! I have gotten some very kind feedback on my blog which I really appreciate.
Happy Easter!
My unrelated comments: We missed having you with us at Easter. RH in the amphitheatre is always a sight to behold. Go Sox!! And finally, Hey! I took that picture!!
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